
This week is the fourth anniversary of my blog, and I feel so fortunate to be a part of the wider blogging community.

For any newcomers to my blog, when I began my goal was to improve my writing. As part of my first year as an Undergraduate, I was struggling to answer questions for the critical writing module within the word count allowed, which was often as short as 500 words long. The discipline of writing my blog posts helped, forcing me to be more concise. At that time writing for me was difficult and not something that I found enjoyable. But accessing the knowledge and receiving the assistance of some great wordsmiths through reading their blogs and them kindly commenting on mine changed my opinion and helped me to increase my enjoyment of writing.

Over the years I have met many people from all over the world, through their blogs and other social media ( Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube and more lately Instagram ) I have seen the world through their eyes and come to appreciate the vast amount that we all have in common. Blogging has become a celebration of what we share and allowed me to broaden my knowledge through the diverse interests of my friends within this enlarged community.

I hope that in return through my love of classical singing and opera I have helped introduce a few more people to this beautiful art form that means so much to me.

I don’t know where the next four years will take me, but I can’t wait to share them with you all.

107 thoughts on “Four Years On

  1. Lovely sentiments, Charlotte! And I want to say that it has been a joy to connect with you across the ocean and so many miles, via blogs. You help inspire me by reminding me of how I felt when starting out in wonderful world of music. I read and enjoy every word. Please do keep posting. I hope some day to meet you in person, but if not, you have still touched me with your work.

    1. Aww Peter what a lovely message for me to read, I hope I get to meet you too, I also enjoy reading about your music scene, as you know I can’t rush this process sadly or I’d be there singing this summer 😊.
      Best wishes

  2. Those are beautiful sentiments, Charlotte. I have learned as I’ve gone along on this journey as well and hope there will be more than 4 more years for us both. This truly is a unique experience being a blogger.

  3. Congratulations! I’ve been following your blog for a while now, and I would never have guessed that you once found it difficult to write. Your blog posts read easily and contain just the right amount of information and entertainment. You did well!

  4. Happy bloggiversary! You started about 8 months before I did. I think I found your blog the first year I was blogging and have really enjoyed watching your journey since then!

  5. Beautifully put, Charlotte! Congratulations on four years of blogging and thank-you for the great pleasure you give me each week when I read about your experiences and especially when I get to hear one of your recordings! Keep up the good work!
    Clare xx

    1. Thanks so much Clare, I really do appreciate your lovely messages and I enjoy learning about your neck of the woods and your lovely family posts. I hope that you can hear some improvement in my next recordings, I’m hoping to do some this summer after a full university year working so hard on technique and language improvement.
      Best wishes

      1. Most welcome and I hope you do make it out here. We don’t have the same history or culture as Europe but plenty of nature wonderment.

    1. Merci beaucoup mon ami 😊. I’m working hard on my French language c’est très difficile pour moi. I want to be fluent after 18 months 😄. Have a great week too.
      Best wishes

  6. It can’t possibly be four years already, Scorpio Girl, since you first visited my blog and tempted me back to yours out of curiosity. I’m no nearer sharing the music you adore and which you represent so beautifully, but it’s been a joy to experience these stages of your journey, and I’ll always preen myself over the privilege of being the first of your followers to actually come up and introduce themselves.

    Four more equally enjoyable years, please!

    1. Hi Martin, my fellow Scorpio we both must share staying power 🦂in the blogosphere. It was lovely meeting you in person and for you to come to the performances even though it wasn’t your bag, I’ll convert you yet, I’ll set myself the task of finding a full album of songs you’ll love 😊.
      Best wishes

  7. Dear Charlotte,
    my congratulations! I wish you another amazing year of blogging and more pleasant discoveries on your artistic way!


    Maria )))))

      1. Ha-ha! Indeed she is right! You are a star, so your life is always on the stage))) I’m very happy to see you among my visitors. It’s a big honour for me))))
        Best wishes,

  8. Congratulations on the four years, and what a fantastic reason to start writing a blog, it’s certainly paid dividends. Look forward to hearing more from you soon (come back to the North sometime!) 🙂

  9. Happy blogging birthday Charlotte! I have enjoyed tagging along with you for the past four years and look forward to the next four! You rock, operatically speaking of course….

    1. Thank you for tagging along Cindy your photographs are so amazing they give me wanderlust. Rock opera must look into that hehe, I performed in We Will Rock You at school and Barcelona by Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe was amazing.

      Best wishes

  10. Happy anniversary, Charlotte! The years have flown by. It has been a peasure to follow you along your wonderful musical journey. I wish you many more successful years ahead. Hugs xxoo ❤

    1. Janice you really are an inspiration, in that same time you have authored and released all your books, set goals and achieved them. Hugs x back at you.

      Best wishes

  11. Congratulations on four years, I’ve had my blog for nearly as long and I think I’ve been following you for most of the past four years.
    I’ve learned a lot about music from your blog and I look forward to learning more over the coming years, thank you for sharing so much of your musical knowledge with us.

    1. Sam Pyatt took the photo, can you remember him from the Youth Positive event at The Etihad stadium, and he’s doing well and living in London now.

      Best wishes

  12. Thanks so much for your wonderful songs, Charlotte, and also for your fascinating blog (I never miss a post). Best wishes for much success in the forthcoming four years!

  13. Awesome! I’m not sure how long I’ve been following, maybe two years, but it’s a pleasure to see you go to so many places. I wish you well …break a leg. If I could I’d write you an opera. Ha!

  14. Congrats. I love seeing the joy of the world through your eyes and hearing the magic through your voice. Good luck on the next 4. <3

  15. I’ve said this on Facebook already, but I’ve really enjoyed reading about your musical adventures, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for you. 🙂

    1. Thank you Stephanie 😀 I’ve a couple of events this month that I’m preparing for and a performance exam 😳. Thanks for your lovely messages.
      Best wishes

  16. Hi again Charlotte,
    Congratulations on your 4th Blogiversary, It has been a pleasure following you and your wonderful blog.

    Best wishes 🙂 xx

  17. Happy 4th Blogiversary, Charlotte! This is such a lovely post. I have enjoyed your blog and following your career. I must thank you for introducing me to more opera. I’m looking forward to the next four years and more! All the best!

    1. Thank you Linda, my first singing exam in London next week and I’m singing for a couple of friends exams so I’ve got a full diary at the moment. Time if flying be, thanks for reading along and being part of it.
      Best wishes

  18. It must be my 4th too, as I started not long before you. My experience at a much later time in my life, is similar to yours and I get the bonus of watching you and your wonderful career flowering. Good luck ahead… remember to get enough sleep!

    1. I’ve loved reading your blog Hilary and your books, sleep isn’t a problem, I only have to put my head down a few minutes and I’m fast asleep, it’s remembering to eat sufficient and healthy when I’m very busy, I think I’ve got a better routine now.
      Best wishes

  19. Dear Charlotte – happy 4th anniversary 🙂 someone who does not know wordpress community does not know how it is to communicate with so wonderful people all around the world. and we know 🙂 all the best for you!

  20. I love the new look💖
    And I wish a lot blog posts in the future!
    What a great way to communicate even we haven’t ever met in person!
    Keep blogging 🎀

    1. Thanks Alex, that Click film reminded me to live and enjoy every moment not just constantly keep looking to the next thing, so sharing a little bit of each week makes me value it even more. Thanks for reading along.
      Best wishes

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