The Todică Duo – Album Cover Art Ideas

With the songs recorded for our album and the mastering well underway, it is time to start thinking of imagery and typography for the cd cover art. We wanted to try and connect the cover art visually with our experiences performing for our friends and neighbours.

By performing live music each week we hoped that in some small way we were able to contribute to the well being of our community, here at home and online. Keeping spirits high at a time when people’s lives were so disrupted and full of uncertainty, stuck indoors at home with little to look forward to.

It is so hard to whittle the pictures down and we still have some to review. So I wanted to share with you some of the images that we have shortlisted so far. I would love to get your feedback to help us narrow down the final selection.

These pictures were taken by our lovely neighbour Tugce Nelson who kindly offered to help out when she heard what we wanted to do. We were so grateful to her and I hope that you like them. I also wondered if it was imporatnt to feature the Balcony in the cover art or not?

I could do with your suggestions for Typography too, there are so many different typefaces to choose from and it is important to choose one that is in keeping with our message, how people all over the world came together as a community under such difficult circumstances.

66 thoughts on “The Todică Duo – Album Cover Art Ideas

  1. Nice !!! With the 3rd pict you have the balcony – And, for the typography, look the movies poster from movies that inspired you the énergies of your balcony concert 🙂 .

    Wish you the best !!!

    1. That is a fabulous idea Pascal, yes I like seeing the balcony. Thinking about it my brother Thomas did cd design for his graphics design at School I must pick his brain. I watched your video yesterday it is very interesting. I like how you are now mixing photo art with moving images.
      Best wishes

  2. I think the first photo would work best as a CD cover out of the three. The second one your faces have too much shadow, the leaves around you heads distract as does your fingers on George’s shoulder. The third would work if you blurred the background or cut yourselves out and put your selves in a more pastoral scene.

    Typography is an art in itself. You need to try different mixtures of fonts and see what looks and reads the best. I’m no expert, but I have designed book covers, reports covers and posters. You can see a few samples of what I’ve done with different typology at

    1. Thank you Timothy I value your opinion. We had a photographer booked for our per-wedding shoot and have some lovely photographs from that shoot to share soon too, I didn’t want to cancel Lloyd again even though we’ve had to postpone our wedding again from the end of October. If our 3rd date is still in lockdown we’re thinking of getting married with just 30 guests and sharing the proceedings online for family and friends who can’t come then have a party when it’s deigned safer. I just don’t know how this is going to end the Winter cold and flu season is going to be awful with everyone thinking the worst.
      Best wishes

    1. I wish the top photo of the pair of us could be combined with the balcony shot, but I have some more photos to look through. I think I agree that a connection to the balcony story would be better Don.

      Best wishes

    1. I’m beginning to think a front facing shot with the balcony in to tell the story might be best John, I’ve really appreciated everyone’s feedback.

      Best wishes

  3. I’m with Timothy. There is an aetherial component to that first picture that I love – I might crop the top and the bottom a bit so the focus is on the two of you. Loved all of them though!

      1. Thanks for your advice Ray I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s thoughts and its good to start really thinking about the front of cd cover telling the story of the balcony concerts, I have a few more images from our Wedding photographers test run just arrived and I can still use these images for the back of the cd and maybe the disk itself.

        Best wishes

      2. You’re welcome. Of course, you need images on the back cover. Careful with putting an image on the actual CD. A lot of musicians have done it, but some have found that it can hurt the music quality if the ink is too heavy.

        Be safe. Ray

    1. I agree Noelle, the CD cover would be square, I could always use a few different shots on the inside and back of an actual cd. Put reading all the comments I’m beginning to think it needs to be a powerful shot featuring the balcony as part of the story but clear with our faces.

      Best wishes

  4. I agree with Timothy. The first picture might work best. it’s very important, picking any image that the wording can work on it. And not just the graphics but the color of the text. That is actually far harder to get right than it first appears. Now, it does not have the balcony, but there’s no reason, if you’re doing a physical cd, that you couldn’t have a picture of it on the back. (Yeah, the cover for a CD must be square.) Since going out on my own I’ve taken to using book cover designers from Fiverr. They are very reasonable in terms of price. There are Cd cover designers if you search. You give them the images and explain roughly what you want and there’s so many revisions included in the price.

    1. Thanks for all these great tips Sheanne there will be a physical cd so I can use a few images. I’ve never heard of Fiverr so that’s a good tip. I can always use good photo images for programs for recitals and things too so nothing gets wasted with me.

      My best wishes

  5. Hi Charlotte, I agree the 1st, which would nedd cropping to square it, and phocus on the two of you (by the way congrats on the upcoming wedding). Cd covers like book covers are very importent, and definately a good one will garner more sales, than a poor one. The typography is also very important, but very complex. It does not want to be very fussy though, so keep away from things like Gothic. Then there is both colour , font and size to think about, as it has to compliment the pict, be easily diseranable and be in scale with the picture. Good luck with it, and am glad that what could have been a very dead and perplexing time for you, has sporned a wonderful CD. Best wishes and blessings, Charles.

  6. I prefer the second. You both love particularly happy here, and you eyes will draw people in. Yes, the third has the balcony, but it is a less attractive photo of the two of you, IMHO. To me, the first one is too “artsy.” AS for a picture of the balcony on the back of the CD, I think a photo of two of you on the balcony would be great. That’s how we’ve all seen you for months now.

    1. Thank you, Peter lovely to hear from you and I hope you’ve been well. I like the second photo and I’ve loved getting everyone’s feedback. I think you’re right the top and bottom type photos would be good combined for the back of the cd, the end we’re out of lockdown. I have some new images front facing with the balcony more in shot that I’m going to go through.

      All my best wishes

    1. Thank you Patricia yes after reading everyone’s comments I’m thinking the front of the CD really needs to tell the balcony concert story especially as the CD was recorded live at home too, a cd actually has several requirements for different photos and I sometimes put in a booklet that gives a translation of the songs too.

      Best wishes

  7. Reading through the responses, I really like Pascal’s idea. If you make the CD about the balcony concerts, that is perfect. If it is just about the music and you don’t care about the balcony concerts, perhaps number 1, but slightly modified. it is heavily backlit, which is fine, but I would like the faces to “glow” a little more. With the back-lighting, they are slightly washed out. Using Photoshop (or other image software), it should be easy to bring the faces out more in a way that looks natural.

    1. Thanks a lot Trent, its been really useful to get everyone’s feedback. We only had an hours shoot and hadn’t really planned out with Tugce exactly what we wanted the look to be so there is a lesson there for the future and I have a much better idea now of what could work.

      All my best wishes

  8. Actually, I think including the balcony is a really super idea since that is the original inspiration for the music. All of the pictures are lovely, however, so you won’t go wrong with any of them.
    Congratulations you are getting there!

    1. Thank you Sheila, I agree with you, I hadn’t really thought about the strong story element of the CD and now I do want to incorporate it on the front, the image 1 or 3 could possibly be best for the back if we could put typography over it.

      Best wishes

  9. It would be eye-catching to have you both in concert and operatic regalia in situ on your balcony with the extemporaneous confines of your balcony. So dressed as you would be headlining Prince Albert Hall. Your booming out an operatic diva move to reach the distances and dressed in diva regalia,dressed to the nines and George has his tails on hitting a thunderstruck chord.

    So immense contrast and power, yet complete respect to the milieu and circumstances. An approach and appearance of realistic optimism dead-centered on a positive future.


    1. Most of my concert dresses are stored at my Mums she has more room hehe. I love the image you’ve conjured up. I’m loving your positive future message I’m needing it right now.

      All my best wishes

      1. “Words not meant to touch the ground: the Balcony Concerts by Charlotte Hoather and George Todica”

        So a very strong bent of optimism which is Totally U while sublimating circumstances and being simultaneously “game on” and non-esacapist.

        Hope this can help!

  10. Golly, the first photograph is my favorite. As for fonts, if you like more traditional, you go with serif fonts. More contemporary Style is usually sans-serif fonts. So, it could match the mood or feel of the album that you’re going for. Very happy that the album is wrapping up. ..and yes, use the balcony. That’s how Romeo and Juliet did it. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Eric, I’ve loved the feedback and support from all my friends here and I appreciate your advice. I am beginning to think a more ‘Romeo and Juliet shot’ as you call it on the balcony would be better, it needs to tell our story at a glance.

      Best wishes

  11. Gosh! I can’t add any more to these well-informed comments. But all three photos are gorgeous, regardless of their intended purpose. And I see you have had to re-postpone your wedding. I am sorry for you both, but your idea to go ahead with a third date is wise, I feel. There comes a moment when if you can’t change a situation, you just have to go along with it. You can always have back-up celebration, say for the second anniversary?

    Here in Australia, we are coming in to spring. After dreading how the cold and flu season would impact us, winter hasn’t been too bad after all because so many people are isolating and not being so touchy-feely when they get together. Hopefully it will be the same for the UK.

    1. I’m glad to hear that Australia is emerging after your winter, are you allowed bigger gatherings than thirty yet?

      All my best wishes

      1. The rules differ from state to state. We’re allowed a group of ten in a hospitality venue, and twenty in the home plus those who reside there. My niece is getting engaged next week at home, but we declined aswe don’t know the other guests and their lifestyle. She was probably relieved that it reduced her numbers.

    1. Hello Darlene, our wedding was booked for 06/06/2020 but we had to cancel it because of covid lockdown, we rebooked 31/10/2020 in the hope that we’d be on top of this virus before the marriage bans ran out but we’ve just had to postpone again, fingers crossed we’re third time lucky, if not we’ll have to just have a tiny ceremony and a party at another time.
      Best wishes

  12. So far I like the front picture of you both best. Do you think a similar one could be taken showing you two on the balcony from below? or are you too far up on a high floor? Sort of like, Romeo and Juliet actually pulled off their love affair instead of ending a tragedy.

    1. Yes the more I think about this we should have pre-planned better, I agree about the balcony context being good for the story of the CD and I have some new images to go through with a better idea now. You last sentence is also perfect a positive instead of a tragedy.

      Best wishes always,

  13. For instant impact Edwin and I liked the second picture with both your faces looking out. I can understand the idea of the balcony and the sense of telling a story in the first and last image, but unless you employ a designer to shape them and add professional graphics these are likely to look maybe a bit home-made… ? I like GP’s suggestion above. You have such wonderful faces and and people will be drawn to your expressions.

    1. I agree Hilary and its been great getting everyone’s honest opinion that’s why I love this space in WordPress you can really count on blog friends. We had our pre-wedding shots done recently and there are some strong images there that may work now I have everyone’s ideas a CD has lots of requirements for good photographs and the reverse of the cover could be better with the shot number 1 for example.

      Best wishes

  14. I love all three photos very much. I know nothing about CD design and/or typeface and fonts and have trouble making any decision I’m asked to make so I had better just wish you all the best in the next stage of your venture. I am so sorry to read that you had an awful week last week. I do hope this one is better, Charlotte. How sad that you have had to cancel your wedding again! <3 <3

    1. Thank you, Clare, I’ve just realised I should only worry myself about what I can control and change and those things out of my control aren’t worth my time and energy. One Example: We were told we’d have a bed delivered, I bought one with a lift up lid so I could store my performance dresses in it, we took down our old bed frame and someone collected it on the morning of the due delivery, the new frame didn’t arrive the bed company told us it would take two months to get the new bed frame to us!

      Best wishes

      1. Oh no! How very unfortunate! I assume you at least have a mattress to sleep on; but no frame and still nowhere to store all your dresses!
        Take care, Charlotte xx

    1. Yes I like the idea of the last shot or a similar one for the back, I have some more balcony type front facing photos that after reading everyone’s lovely advice may tell the CD story better.

      Best wishes

  15. If I may be blunt (I’ve been in advertising for a few years, and tested many campaigns) avoid “backside” images. (though you both look very “cute” as Americans say in both) bThe centre image would be good, but there is no relationship to music. I strongly suggest you “stage” a balcony picture. Different angles, while you are singing or not. Might even be a title: “The balcony songs”? (It did work for Romeo and Juliet, minus the tragic ending)
    You’re doing well. A bit more work to go…
    Ah. Just read Anette’s comment. The back shot for the back of the CD is a very good idea. Provided you have a facing shot at the front. Remember, when you sing, you sing for all the audience. Look’em in the eye.

    1. You may be blunt I appreciate your honesty it is important that we try and get this right. I have some new images as I’ve said from a pre-wedding shoot we did recently and there were some lovely ones on our balcony so after reading everyone’s advice I’ll be looking at them with more focus. Yes we were thinking Best of the Balcony and The Balcony Songs works too.
      It’s the one thing I miss the most about performing, looking into the faces and the interaction. I’ve always enjoyed immersive performing that’s why I loved the baby opera I was in.
      Merci beaucoup 😊
      Best wishes

      1. Pas de quoi Charlotte… 🙏🏻
        I like your project, and I like The Balcony Songs. A good ring to it.
        I can relate to your missing live performing. I was a market researcher for 30 years which meant presenting results to clients. Best presentations happened with the best clients of course. Not to mention presenting a paper every year at our MRS Congress, with an audience of 300-500. That was always a great kick…
        Don’t worry, you will sing again to an audience…
        Meilleurs voeux et à bientôt.

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