The Start Of A New A Term

Last Sunday I travelled to Antwerp, Brussels to take part in a masterclass hosted by OASE projects in the beautiful AMUZ venue. The master class was given by W.Stephen Smith, the author of ‘The Naked Voice’, the vocal teacher of Joyce de Donato and Christine Brewer. We were told that this was his first visit to Europe to hold such a class, and I was thrilled to have been invited to participate.


W.Stephen Smith and Me

There were singers of varying ages and voice types from all over Europe. The session started with such high energy and never let up, it was so exhilarating to just sit and listen to his advice as we each singer got up to perform.

When it was my turn it all seemed to happen so quickly. He gave me some insightful advice which I found particularly helpful and I made lots of notes.

Fortunately for me, Catrin, one of the organisers, took some pictures during the event which she said I could share with you all.

Before travelling back on Tuesday I took advantage of the beautiful weather and spent some time exploring the city and loved catching up with friends from the Italian summer school from last summer, Astrid Defauw and Alexandra Franck. Alexandra showed us all around Antwerp explaining the history of her beautiful home City.



Tomorrow will be my first day at the Royal College of Music and the anticipation of starting a new stage in my training is raising my excitement levels to new heights. Though it was sad to say goodbye to my family this afternoon after we finished unpacking, it will be great to start putting into practice some the suggestions that I have received over the summer from the different projects I have been a part of.

56 thoughts on “The Start Of A New A Term

  1. Well done for getting a place on the masterclass, and good luck for the start of your masters. I look forward to continuing to follow you on your amazing journey. X

    1. Merci Pascal, I’ve done a yoga class today, made a new friend, gone for a brisk walk, eaten a lovely roast dinner with Yorkshire pudding I made in my microwave/oven so it’s amazing it turned out OK. Listened to my music relaxing and caught up with my blog friends a lovely day, 😴 soon I’ve got an early start tomorrow.
      Best wishes

    1. What a beautiful backyard to have, I thoroughly enjoyed my first visit. So happy I had a friend to give us a whistle stop tour as we saw so much more. Sorry I missed you 😊🙋🏼.
      Best wishes

  2. And the first day arrives ~ what a great feeling it must have been to have taken your first initial steps into this new adventure as the term started. This last work in Antwerp with W.Stephen Smith is a great way to end one adventure and begin another. Wishing you continued beauty in life 🙂

    1. What a great way of looking at it. So excited on my first day, I wore my new gold coloured loafers especially for the occasion!
      Thank you for your good wishes Randall.
      Best wishes

  3. I hope your first day at the Royal College of Music went well. It’s great to have something amazing like that going on. (On September 19, I tidied up a closet and washed my socks, so our days were rather different in their average level of excitement.)

  4. Hi Charlotte, Antwerp was so educational and what a beautiful place it is! Excitement reigns supreme as you enter your new phase in life, take a deep breath and go for it.

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