Site icon Charlotte Hoather

Happy Easter

I would love to wish you, my wonderful online community, a Happy Easter. Thank you for being so supportive all year round. I hope that you are touched by the re-energising magic of spring. I would also like to give my parents a huge virtual hug, as I can’t be with them to celebrate this weekend. Finally, I hope the sun is shining on your collective homes as brightly as it is here in London.

I am working hard now, well … as always 😊, and my current focus is to make some recordings that I can use for the preliminary rounds of competitions. I will also share them with opera houses in the hope to gain an invitation for general auditions. My mum has a beautiful habit of sending me motivational images that act as energy catalysts fuelling my practice and mental attitude. For example, the quote: “The seeds I sow matter more than I know.” (Morgan Harper Nichols) truly inspires me. It reminds me that all the effort I put in now, all the nitty-gritty tasks that may not visibly be instant blossoms, will be worth it in the coming months and years.

My mum encourages me to see that I am constantly growing and that if I am persistent and consistent with my work, I will continue to thrive and strive to achieve my aspirations. I hope that sharing these ideas with you acts as a little encouraging bump towards your own goals. I invite you to be courageous and to continue to believe in yourself.

I would love to hear about your current goals, big or small so that I can be part of your journey and congratulate you in your moments from seed to bloom.

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